Strength: Snatch All sets at 50-60% of 1RM Snatch (11 mins) EMOTM x 3 3 Snatch Grip Deadlift to Knee- Pause for 2 secs rest 1:00 EMOTM x 3 3 Hang Snatch High Pulls- 3 sec lower to the knee each rep rest 1:00 EMOTM x 3 3 Hang Power Snatches Conditioning: 9 Min AMRAP...Read More
Strength: Deadlift EMOTM x 10 Mins 3 Deadlifts @ AHAP *Touch and go or reset each rep- up to you today Conditioning: 2:00 on/2:00 off x 5 rounds: (20 mins) 10 DB Deadlifts (2 DB’s) 10 DB Hang Power Cleans (2 DB’s) Row x Max Cals *Score is calories completed across all 5 rounds...Read More
Partner Workout! Against 12 Mins…Split work as desired 3 Rounds For Time… Row 40/30 Cals 40 Alt. DB Snatches 40 Box Jumps Comp: 70/50, 24/20 Fitness: 50/35, 24/20 GPP: 35/25, 20/16 Health: 25/15, Step Ups Rest 3:00 Against 12 Mins.. For Time: Split Work as desired 50 DB Thrusters Run 400 M 50 DB Thrusters...Read More
Friday 11/29/19 Teams of 2: EMOTM x 12 Mins.. partners alternate stations each minute 12 Toes 2 BarAMRAP Snatches (Power or Squat) Comp: 165/110 Fitness: 135/95 GPP: 95/65 Health: 55/45 Rest 3:00 12 Min AMRAP: 1 Partner works at a time… 16 Clean and Jerks 64 Double Unders 16 Front Squats Comp: 185/125 Fitness: 165/110...Read More
Thanksgiving Workout!! Teams of 3! 35 Min Running Clock: Each Team Member must complete all stations before moving on to KBS and Situps Run 400 m Row 500m 30 Box Jumps/Step Ups -Then- 40-30-20-10 KBS/Situps/alt. Lunges *Rotating through the stations, once each teammate has done 40 reps of each, they go to 30 -Then- Run...Read More