
Endurance Workouts
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: In a 10 Minute Window: Run 1 Mile Time Remaining: Max Snatches (135/95) Rest 3:00 In a 7 Minute Window: Run 800 Meters Time Remaining: Max Cleans (135/95) Rest 3:00 In a 4 Minute Window: Run 400 Meters...
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We are hosting a Developmental Olympic Weightlifting Meet today from 9am-1pm!  We WILL have WODs at 9 and 10am in the park behind the gym, as well as our Community Workout at 11am.  There is Open Gym today from about 1-3pm!   WOD: 25 MIN AMRAP –Ascending ladder— 1 suicide 1 round of (5 burpees,...
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Mark your calendars for our CF Games Viewing Party on Sunday, July 26th! WOD Skills: KB Overhead Squats and hip openers Strength: Overhead Squat 10-10-10-10 @ 60% 1RM Metcon: 4 Rounds: Round 1/2: 20 Ring Dips Ladder Run (25/50/100m turnaround) – 350m total per round Round 3/4: 10 Ring Dips Ladder Run (50/100/200m turnaround) – 700m total...
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WOD Strength: Back Squat 2-2-2-2 @ 95% 1RM Metcon: With a partner, take turns rowing: 500m 400m 300m 200m 100m
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WOD Strength: Hang Power Clean Test 1RM Metcon: With a partner, take turns running: 400m 400m 400m 200m 200m
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Flexible Dieting Q&A this Sunday at 9am! WOD Strength: Rope climbs and Pistols Metcon: 4 Rounds 10 Dumbbell Thruster (40/30) Run 400m Time cap of 14 minutes
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WOD Strength: Back Squat 4-4-4-4 @ 80% 1RM Metcon: In teams of 2, alternating rest/work intervals 4 x 500m row (each rows 4 times) If working alone, 1:1 work to rest ratio
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Thanks to all our ladies who came out for WOD and Wine on Saturday!  Guys, you’re up next!  Details coming soon! WOD Strength: Split Jerk Test 1RM Metcon: For Time: Run 800m Grace (30 x 135/65 GTOH) Run 800m Time cap of 15 minutes
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Our Ladies Only WOD and Wine is THIS SATURDAY at 5:30!  Please RSVP! WOD  Strength: Back Squat 6-6-6 @ 75% Feeling good?  Go for max reps on Set 3 Metcon: Pick your order, For Time: Row 1k 100 DU Run 800m 50 Abmat Situps Time cap of 15 minutes
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WOD Strength: Hang Power Snatch 60% x 2 70% x 2 80% x 1 85% x 1 1-1-1 @ 95% Metcon: 10 x 100M Sprint Rest 60-90 sec (walk back) between Sprints Start at around 93-95% and try and maintain pace for all 10
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