
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week Metcon: “31 Heroes” Teams of 2 AMRAP 31: 8 Thrusters (155/105) 6 Rope Climbs 11 Box Jumps (30/24) As Partner A starts the triplet, Partner B runs 400m with a sandbag(45/25). When the run is completed, partners switch and...
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WOD Skills: Kipping Pullups Strength: Clean Pull/Hang Power Clean 2-2-2-2-2-2 As heavy as possible (1 rep of each makes up the 2 reps) Metcon: AMRAP in 5 minutes (Ascending Ladder, 1, 2, 3 etc) Thrusters/Pullups Rest 3 Minutes Repeat
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Join us this morning at 9am for a Q&A on the basics of Flexible Dieting WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength segment from the past week. Metcon: Teams of 3 AMRAP in 22 minutes: 7 Rope Climbs 10 Thrusters (155/105) 15 Power Cleans (155/105) 46 Calorie Row *Share Reps as...
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Flexible Dieting Q&A this Sunday at 9am! WOD Strength: Rope climbs and Pistols Metcon: 4 Rounds 10 Dumbbell Thruster (40/30) Run 400m Time cap of 14 minutes
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WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes and make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: Teams of 2 50 Thrusters (135/95) 10 rope climbs 40 Thrusters 8 rope climbs 30 Thrusters 6 rope climbs Break up between partners as needed This is 2014 CF Regional Team WOD 4/5.
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Pullup Class this morning at 9am with Dave! WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: AMRAP 25 Teams of 3 3k Row Buy-In -in remaining time- 50 Hang Power Snatch (75/55) 50 Thrusters (75/55) 50 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (75/55)
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CFD is going to see the Bulls on Saturday, June 20th!  Make sure you reserve your tickets! WOD Strength: Back Squat Test 1RM Metcon: 15-12-9 reps for time: Thrusters (135/95) Weighted Pullups (45/25) Time cap of 12 minutes
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We have a new “Members Only” group on Facebook.  Get on there so you stay in the loop.  Link here CFD is going to the Bulls!  Join us on Saturday, June 20th for our annual outing.  Get your tickets here WOD Strength: Deficit Deadlift 4-4-4-4 @ 80% 1RM Since this is new, take 90% of...
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Our new 7 week programming cycle started Monday!  Here’s the template WOD Strength: Rope Climbs and Handstand Pushups Take 20 minutes to practice either or both skills Metcon: “Jackie” Row 1000m 50 Thrusters (45/33) 30 Pullups  Time cap of 12 minutes
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WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes and make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: With a partner alternating movements: AMRAP in 30 minutes: 400-meter run 35-lb. dumbbell thrusters, 20 reps 200-meter farmers carry, 35-lb. dumbbells
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