Mark your calendars for our CF Games Viewing Party on Sunday, July 26th! WOD Skills: Kipping Pullup and T2B practice Strength: Hang Power Clean/Power Clean 2-2-2-2 @ 85% 1RM 1st rep of each set of 2 is HPC, 2nd rep PC Metcon: 4 Rounds Suicide Run (approx 90ft/90/90/90 – 4x down and back the pullup rig)...Read More
WOD Strength: Take 20 minutes to make up a missed strength workout from the past week. Metcon: Teams of 2 2 Total Rounds of 3 Minutes at Each Station, partners trade off during each 3 minute period 1. Row for Calories 2. Prowler Push (50 Meters) 3. Double Unders 4. Bear Crawl (50ft)Read More
Join us for Thirsty Thursday TONIGHT at Motorco, 7:30pm! Nothing formal…just some casual time away from the WOD with you CFD friends! WOD Strength: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 @ 85% 1RM Metcon: On the 2 Minute for 20 Minutes 2 Muscle Ups 5 Power Cleans (185/135)Read More
Join us for Thirsty Thursday this week at Motorco, 7:30pm! Nothing formal…just some casual time away from the WOD with you CFD friends! Strength: Press 6-6-6-6 @ 75% 1RM Metcon: AMRAP in 12 minutes: 5 Power Snatch 10 Pushups (scale up option: Handstand Pushups) 20 Double UndersRead More
WOD Strength: Overhead Squat Test 1RM Metcon: For time: 100 pullups 3 minute rest 100 pushups Time cap of 20 minutes If these numbers seem unrealistic to you, choose a set number of each and hit it. Or cap each at a certain time point.Read More
Want to learn how you can eat almost what you want and still hit your physique goals? Join us Sunday morning at 9am for our “Donuts and Weight Loss Q&A” WOD Strength: Clean and Jerk Test 1RM Metcon: AMRAP in 12 minutes: 10 Floor Press (95/65) 12 Windsheild Wipers 30 Double UndersRead More
Flexible Dieting Q&A this Sunday at 9am! WOD Strength: Rope climbs and Pistols Metcon: 4 Rounds 10 Dumbbell Thruster (40/30) Run 400m Time cap of 14 minutesRead More
WOD Strength: Turkish Get Ups Work up to 5 as heavy as possible on each side Metcon: AMRAP in 20: 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 handstand push-ups 20 Abmat SitupsRead More