Skill: Double Unders Strength: 3 Position Snatch Every 90 secs x 6 sets 1 Snatch from each position (3 total Reps) 1st: (Pockets) 2nd: (above knee) Floor Same Weight for all sets ~use roughly 75% of 1RM Power Snatch *Squat or Power… athletes choice today Conditioning: Every 3 min x 5 sets 7 Squat Snatch...Read More
Strength: Tempo Backsquat Every 2:30 x 4 Sets 3 reps @ 42X1 Tempo + 5 Regular Reps *Start @ 60% and build as you are able each set.. KEEP THE TEMPO STRICT Conditioning: E2MOM x 6 sets (12 Mins) 5 Single Arm KB Hang Snatches(right) 5 Single Arm KB Thruster (right) 5 Single Arm KB...Read More
Review All Movements Strength: Pullups/Single Arm DB Press Within 18 Mins complete 5 Sets: 5 Challenging Pullups (add bands or Weight as needed) 8 ea/arm Half Kneeling DB Press @ 30X1 Tempo 10 Band Pull Aparts rest 60-90 secs b/w sets Conditioning: EMOTM x 15 Minutes 1)Row/Bike x 15/12 Cals 2)Upper Gymnastics (Pullup/Muscle Up)* 3)10-12...Read More
Tricep/Lat/Wrist Mobility Strength: 3 Position Power Clean Every 90 secs x 6 sets 1 Power Clean from each position (3 total Reps) 1st: (Pockets) 2nd: (above knee) Floor Same Weight for all sets ~use roughly 75% of 1RM PC Conditioning: For Time…(10 Min Cap) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Power Cleans 100 M Run After Each Set Comp: 185/135...Read More
Saturday 102619 Partner Workout! Against 14 Mins…4 Rounds for Time: 30 DB Hang Power Cleans (2 DB) 30 Wallballs 10 Burpee Pullups Rest 3:00 Against 10 Mins…. Run 1 Mile in 400m Intervals *Partners Trade 400m Sprints With Remaining Time: 50 KBS Into: AMRAP Curtis P’s (Power clean + L Lunge + R Lunge +...Read More
Skill: Toes 2 Bar Tempo Front Squats Every 2:30 x 4 Sets 3 reps @ 42X1 Tempo + 5 Regular Reps *Start @ 60% and build as you are able each set.. KEEP THE TEMPO STRICT Conditioning: EMOTM x 18 Mins 1) Row 12/9 Cals 2) 5-10 Toes 2 Bar + :30 Sandbag Hold (bear...Read More
Skill: HSPU Strength: HSPU + Side Plank Hip Raises Every 2:00 x 6 sets 4-10 Kipping HSPU 10-12 each side Side Plank Hip Raises Scales for HSPU: *Deficit/Paralette *HS Holds *HS Negatives x 2-3 reps *Double KB OH Hold x :20-:30 Conditioning: 3:00 on/1:00 Off x 4 Sets (15 Mins) AMRAP: 25 Double Unders 6...Read More
Skill: Kipping Pullup Drills Strength: Power Snatch Sets are every 90 secs (14 mins) 2 Waves: 1×3 reps @ 65% (0:00)(8:00) 1×2 reps @ 70%(1:30)(9:30) 1×2 Reps @ 75% (3:00)(11:00) 1×1 Rep @ 80%(4:30)(12:30) Rest 2:00 after the last single before starting the second wave Conditioning: Against 7 Mins… For Time! 21-15-9 Power Snatch Pullups...Read More