WOD 1: Partner – AMRAP22 Min cap100 Lateral Box Crossovers75 Medball Slam Ball50 Up Down400M Run (together) *Each Partner does 10 knee to 90 on outoddor rig.*Trade work anytimeRead More
WOD 1: Individual – AMRAP13 Min AMRAP3 HEAVY Floor Press w/KB – 6 Goblet Squats9 V-Up* Press inceases by 3 every round. Squats/Ab work stays constant** At minutes 2, 5 and 9 Everyone does 100M Farmer’s Carry.If weather doesn’t allow for outdoors, then sub 1 min static holdWOD 2 – Partner 7 minMax Rep Russian...Read More
WOD 1: Individual – 21 Minute Running Clock0:00-7:00Row 250/200M20 Burpees over Sandbag10 Sandbag Over the Shoulder7:01-14:0030 SDLHP15 BurpeesRun 200M14:01-21:00Bike 30/24 Cal20 Single Arm Devils PressFinish – MobilityRead More
WOD 1: Nearly Bodyweight–Partner20 Min Cap 21-15-9Air SquatsAlternating V-Ups_Directly into21-15-9Lunges w/PVC OverheadPVC Overhead SquatsDirectly into21-15-9Lateral Hops over PVC15-12-9Broad Jump*Athletes Trade by movementWOD 2: Individual – Interval4 Min of Work1 time through:30 Punisher Squats (:20 air squats/:10 bottom of squat hold):30 Star Jump:30 Punisher Squats (:20 air squats/:10 bottom of squat hold):30 Plank Hold:30 Punisher Squats...Read More
WOD 1: Individual – Benchmark – AMRAPBenchmark “Ami“15 Min AMRAP5 DB Thruster5 Push Up5 KB Swing5 Squat Jump5 Sit UpFinisher: 2 – 3 Rounds depending on Time Available10 Side Bent Sit to Tall Kneel10 Cossack Squat10 Lateral Step OverRead More
WOD 1: Individual EMOM3x Through for an 11 min EMOMMin 1) 12 DBL DB FR LungeMin 2) 30 BicyclesMin 3) AMRAP DB ComplexAll moves are Double DumbellDeadliftHang Power CleanFront SquatShoulder 2 OverheadMin 4) RestWOD 2: Individual EMOM8 MinsEven Min: :45 Bent Over DB RowsOdd Min: :45 Mtn ClimbersRead More
WOD 1: 3 Rounds- 12 min CAP5 Suitcase KB Deadlift R5 KB Front Rack Squats R5 Single arm Kb swings R5 Single arm strict press R50 Plate hops5 Suitcase KB Deadlift L5 KB Front Rack Squats L5 Single arm Kb swings L5 Single arm strict press L**Can push press if need beWOD 2: 3 Rounds-...Read More
WOD 1:10 min Ladder10 Alt DB snatches10 Burpees:30 Hollow Hold15 Alt DB snatches 10 Burpees:30 Hollow Hold20 Alt DB Snatches10 Burpees:30 Hollow Hold**Add 5 Snatches every roundWOD 2: TEAMS OF 3!10 min CAPĀ In teams of 3, Row/Bike 150/120 calories. Split cals however they’d like.I recommend 15/10 cals at a timeRead More
Strength: Backsquats Every 3:00 x 3 sets: 10 Backsquats @ 50-60% Conditioning: Partner! Against 18 Mins… for Time! Trading rounds back and forth… each partner will do all reps of each movement 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Double DB Squats Burpee to a 6in Target *P1 does 10 DB Squats.. then P2 does 10 DB Squats. Then P1 does...Read More