Workout 1: 12 mins totalEvery 2 mins x 3 RDS (6 mins total)15 Russian KBS12 Goblet Squats9 Single KB DLMin 6-12, complete 6 min AMRAP12 Altnerating Goblet Lunges30 Plank KB Taps10 Alternating Single Arm Swings14 Russian Twists with KB (R/L=2)Workout 2: 8 min (:45 work/ :15 rest)GLUTES and ABZMin1: Reverse CrunchesMin 2: Plank Leg liftsMin...Read More
WOD 1: With a Partner, 30′ Cap 30-20-10 KB Swings Straight Leg Sit-Ups 30-20-10 Wall Ball Tosses (Can be partner) Push-Ups 30-20-10 Cal Row Dbl DB Bent Over Row 30-20-10 Goblet Squat OH Plate LungeRead More
Workout 1: 9 minute ladder2-4-6-8-10… DB SnatchJumping JacksSingle Arm Lunge (Front Rack or Overhead)Workout 2: 8′ Alternating Tabata (8 sets each movement)DB Thrusters (Switch Arms each round)Single Arm DB High Pull (Switch Arms each round)Cash Out: 2 Rounds30 Band Pull Aparts30 Banded Good MorningsRead More
WOD 1: 18 min. Total 8 min. EMOM (all movements done on the min.): 7 Jump Squats 6 Dips (Using box) 5 Box Jumps/Step Ups 2 minutes rest 8 min. EMOM (all movements done on the min.): 7 Hollow Rocks 6 Bicycles 5 Sit Ups WOD 2: ACCUMULATE 2:00 of Hollow Hold Every time you...Read More
Workout 1: 3 Rounds (18 min. Total)1:00 Burpees:30 Push Press:30 Rest1:00 Mountain Climbers:30 Bent Over Row:30 Rest1:00 Jump Rope:30 Floor Press:30 Rest*Keep the weight light(ish)Workout 2: Plankapalooza (6 min. total)1:00 Plank:30 Rest:30 Elbow Plank:30 Right Leg Raised Plank:30 Left Leg Raised Plank:30 Right Side Plank:30 Left Side Plank:30 Plank:30 Rest1:00 Elbow Plank Read More
Workout 1: 12′ Cap:30 Wall Sit or Bottom of Squat Hold40 Sandbag Squats:60 Sandbag Bear Hold20 Sandbag OTS:60 Sandbag Bear Hold40 Sandbag Squats:30 Wall Sit or Bottom of Squat Hold**If athletes are using a weight less than 80#, stick to the above rep scheme. If they are using 80# or heavier, 20 squats, 20 OTS,...Read More
Workout 1“2020”AMRAP 2020 Push Up20 Suitcase KB DL20 Ball Slam20 Parallette HopP1: AMRAPP2: KB Farmer’s Carry Width of Soccer Field and Back*P returning from Carry picks up AMRAP where other Partner Leaves off.Workout 2100M Partner WB Squat and TossPartners Squat and Toss the Slam Ball the length of the Park, run back together.*Trade Work Where/WheneverRead More
Workout 13 Rounds (12 Min)*With a Partner1 Min Max Burpee1 min Max Wall Ball C/T1 min Max V-Up1 Min Max Mtn Climber.Workout 23 Rounds 8-10 Reps of each exercise ea roundPlate SwingsBent Over Plate RowsReverse Lunge with Plate Twist (4-5/side)Plate Curl to Overhead Plate PressOverhead Plate SquatLow to High Diagonal Plate Chop (4-5/side)Read More