WOD 1: Teams of 3 12 min AMRAP16 ALT DB Snatches16 V-ups16 DB Thrusters8 Calories on Bike Follow the leader style. One partner starts on snatches, when they are done they move onto v-ups and partner 2 then starts snatches.WOD 2: Teams of 310 min AMRAP 60 Plate Hops60 Plate Ground to OH60 Plate Bent over rowsOne person working, one...Read More
WOD 1: 15 mins :30 Air Squats:30 Double DB S2OH1:00 Box JumpsRest :30:30 Double DB S2OH:30 Box Jumps1:00 Air SquatsRest :30:30 Box Jumps:30 Air Squats1:00 S2OHRest 1:00:30 Box Dips:30 Up Downs1:00 Sit-upsRest :30:30 Up Downs:30 Sit-ups1:00 Box DipsRest :30:30 Sit-ups:30 Box Dips1:00 Up DownsWOD 2: 6 min EMOM1) :50 Plank Hold2) :50 Sandbag over the shoulderPartner...Read More
WOD 1: 2 Rounds (16 mins Total)STATIONS1) :90 MAX cals on Rower:30 Rest and Transition2) :90 MAX Jump Rope Singles/ Doubles:30 Rest and Transition3):90 MAX Single arm DB or KB OH Alt. Lunges:30 Rest and Transition 4) :90 MAX Shoulder Taps + Push-ups (Tap, Tap, Pushup)WOD 2: 5 Min AMRAP20 Bicycles (total)15 Reverse Sit-ups10 Tuck Ups5...Read More
WOD 1:Bike 1’ Test – Max Calories 5’ Rest WOD 2: For time – 20′ Cap3 Rounds:15 DB S2OH (30/20lb)100 Single-Unders3 Rounds:15 DB Cleans20 (10/10) Lunges3 Rounds:15 DB Burpee Deadlift20 Alt. SL V-upsRead More
WOD 1:4 min. Alternating Tabata:High KneesButt Kickers**DIRECTLY INTO**10 min. AMRAP:8 DB Box Step Overs5 Heavy Sandbag OTS:45 PlankWOD 2: 3 x 10 EachHammer CurlsFrench PressBent Over Lateral RaiseRead More
WOD 1: 10′ AMRAP15 KB SDLHP10e Lateral KB Hops15 V-ups10 Box Jumps**Directly into 400m Run after AMRAPRest 3 min.WOD 2: 10′ AMRAP15 Plate Thrusters10 Plate Straight Leg sit up15 Plate Bridge Press10e Plate Russian Twists**Directly into 400m Run after AMRAPRead More