WOD 1: PARTNER!10 min partner AMRAP10 Sandbag OTS20 Push-ups30 Box jump overs*Split reps however Every 2 minutes including 0:00, they both must stop and complete 40 high knees! (R/L=2)WOD 2: PARTNER!10 min partner AMRAP20 V-ups40 DB Thrusters 40 Bent over rows200 Single undersCash Out:50 Partner wall ball sit up passesRead More
WOD 1: 14 mins total1:00 Jumping Jacks4 min AMRAP10 SDHP15 Ice skaters10 Down dog toe touches (alternate touching toes)1:00 KB plank dragRest 2:001:00 Jumping Jacks4 Min AMRAP10 Double DB Shoulder to OH5 High Knee Mountain Climbers10 Plank in and outs 1:00 Plank hoversWOD 2: 3 Rounds:30 MAX ball slams (with wall balls):30 MAX wall ball...Read More
WOD 1:2 ROUNDS: 14 min CAP50 Single arm DB OH Lunges (25/25 per arm)40 Sit-ups30 HEAVY Russian KBS 20 Goblet Squats 10 Up down tuck jumpsWOD 2: 3 Rounds :30 Jump Squats15 Glute bridge floor pressRead More
WOD 1: For time, 20′ Cap3 Rounds:15 DB S2OH100 Single Unders3 Rounds:15 DB Cleans20 Alternating Bodyweight Lunges3 Rounds:15 DB Thrusters20 Alternating SL V-UpsCash Out: 2 or 3 Rounds50 2-count Flutter Kicks:30 Plank50e Bicycle Crunches:30 PlankRead More
WOD 1: Bike Sprints4 x 30s on/2:00 off**Have groups of 4 on a bike. Athlete #1 goes ALL OUT for 30s, while the others rest. Athlete 2 goes, 3 goes, 4 goes,then all will rest for :30s and Athlete #1 will start their second round at the 2:30 mark***When I say ALL OUT, I means...Read More
WOD 1: 12′ AMRAP:8 Bent Over Row8 Wall Ball Tosses8e Russian Twists w/ MedBall3′ Rest12′ AMRAP:12/9 Cal Row6 each arm DB Hang Clean and Jerk**Have half of the class start on the first 12′ AMRAP, half onthe second, then switch!Read More
800M Team Run -into- 10 DBL KB Front Rack Squat 6 push up 20 DBL KB Front Rack Squat 6 push up 30 DBL KB Front Rack Squat 6 push up 40 DBL KB Front Rack Squat 6 push up 50 Wall Ball Squat Passes 6 push up 40 DBL KB Front Rack Squat 6...Read More