Whiteboard Brief: WOD 112 min EMOMMin 1- AMRAP Inch Worm with Push-upMin 2- AMRAP Up Down Jump SquatsMin 3- AMRAP Single Leg Deadlift (:30 each leg)Min 4- AMRAP Ice Skaters**Deadlift with KB or unweighted if at homeWOD 25 Rounds “Sprint Lunges”Sprint :15 + Do 20 Lunges immediately after sprintRest :90 between setsRead More
Whiteboard Brief: Warm Up: 3 Rounds :30 Jumping Jacks :30 Inch Worms (no push-up) :30 Reach Backs (standing, wide legs, reach behind feet, then up overhead) :30 Boot Strap Squat :30 Wall Shoulder Stretch (Forearms on all, walk feet back, drop head down past arms) WOD 1: 4 RFT 20 Russian KBS (Backpack Swings) 15...Read More
Whiteboard Briefs/Movement Demos: In Gym: https://youtu.be/wFR5vEXpHP8 At Home: https://youtu.be/fO6kjuPa6eo NOTE: You will do each 4 Min Ladder twice!! WOD 1: 4 Min Ascending Ladder2 Strict Press2 Cal Row4 Strict Press4 Cal RowIncrease by 2 reps ea round– 3 min Rest Then RepeatWOD 2: 4 Min Ascending Ladder2 Sit Up2 Box Jump4 Sit Up4 Box JumpIncrease...Read More
Whiteboard briefs and movement demos: In Gym: https://youtu.be/UJbat1UdS1g At Home: https://youtu.be/hnP2JfQ_8fY WOD 1: 9′ Cap12-9-6-3Toe 2 DBDB ThrusterBurpee over DBWOD 2: Tabata 12′Alternate between 3 moves listed on :20w/:10r intervals for total of 12 continuous minutesMtn ClimberRussian Twist (B/W)Tuck JumpsRead More
Whiteboard Briefings! At Home: In Gym: WOD 1: 14 EMOMAlternating BetweenOdd: 4 Alt DB Snatch8 Push Up12 SquatEven: :45 Ice SkatersFinisherAgility Ladder Drills/RelaysRead More
WOD 1: 15 min AMRAPTeams of 4! Partner 1: 20/15 Calories on RowerPartner 2: MAX DB Box Step OversPartner 3: MAX BurpeesPartner 4: AMRAP 5 Push-ups10 Sit-ups15 Air SquatsPartners 2-4 are going off partner 1, when they get done rowing, rotate.CASH OUT: IndividualStart a clock, every minute they must stop and do 5 V-ups until finished100 Russian...Read More
WOD 1: 15 min CAP1 Burpee Tuck Jump2 KB SDHP 3 Double KB Deadlifts4 Double KB Shoulder to Overhead5 Inch Worms (with push-up)6 Up Down- Broad Jumps (Jump Back and Forth in place)7 Sit-ups8 Plank KB Drag 9 American KB Swings10 Goblet LungesTreat this like the 12 days of christmas workout! 1 then 2,1 then 3,2,1…WOD 2: Partner8 min...Read More